Emergency Reporting: Know When To Use +99140 With These Tips

Reporting any qualifying circumstances (QC) codes for anesthesia can be tricky, but knowing when to classify a situation as a true emergency can be a real challenge unless you’re well-versed in the emergency conditions guidelines. Check coding definitions and your provider’s documentation to know whether you can legitimately add two extra units for +99140 (Anesthesia complicated by emergency conditions [specify] [List separately in addition to code for primary anesthesia procedure]) to your claim.

CPT includes a note with +99140 stating that “an emergency is defined as existing when delay in treatment of the patient would lead to a significant increase in the threat to life or body parts.” Your key to knowing a case meets emergency conditions lies in your anesthesiologist’s notes.

“Quite a number of cases come in where the anesthesiologist marks ‘emergency’ but many times the ‘emergency’ isn’t all that clear,” says Leslie Johnson, CCS-P, CPC, director of coding and education for Medi-Corp., Inc., of New Jersey. Documentation supporting an emergency will depend on each case, so read the chart thoroughly when your provider indicates an emergency.

Solution: Talk with your anesthesia providers to clarify what constitutes an emergency and when you can include +99140. If there’s a real reason to report an emergency (such as a ruptured appendix, 540.0), your physician should clearly document the reason. Another diagnosis code to indicate a problem (such as unstable angina, 411.1) could help show the payer you’re reporting an unusual situation. The second diagnosis can also help in an appeal if a payer that ordinarily recognizes +99140 denies the claim.

“An OB patient who comes in for a cesarean section isn’t automatically an emergency,” explains Scott Groudine, M.D., professor of anesthesiology at Albany Medical Center in New York. “However, a diagnosis of fetal distress and prolapsed cord virtually always…

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Anesthesia Coding: Find the Missing EGD Reimbursement Link

Warning: Just including EGD diagnosis with your claim doesn’t guarantee reimbursement — here’s help.

Question: Our anesthesiologist provided anesthesia during an esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) procedure, at the request of the attending physician. We coded the anesthesia portion with 00810. A note in the documentation mentions the request was due to the patient’s symptoms, but no other details were provided. The claim we submitted was denied, but we followed all of the other guidelines provided by the payer, including proof that the anesthesiologist administered Propofol. What did we do wrong?

Answer: One key to the denial might be found in the lack of coding for the patient’s condition. Your diagnosis code should indicate the co-existing medical condition that justifies your anesthesiologist’s involvement in the case, not the gastrointestinal condition leading to the endoscopy.

You may want to consult with your anesthesiologist to verify that the patient had a condition such as:

  • Parkinson’s disease (332.0)
  • Heart conditions (such as 410.xx, Acute myocardial infarction or 427.41, Ventricular fibrillation)
  • Mental retardation (318.x)
  • Seizure disorders (such as 780.39, Other convulsions)
  • Anxiety (such as 300.0x, Anxiety states)
  • Pregnancy
  • History of drug or alcohol abuse.

These are just some of the conditions that payers may require to justify the presence of an anesthesiologist at a colonoscopy. ICD-9 2010 also has two codes to describe failed sedation attempts: 995.24 (Failed moderate sedation during procedure) and V15.80 (Personal history of failed moderate sedation).

If your anesthesiologist’s documentation confirms one of these conditions, 995.24 or V15.80 would also justify an anesthesiologist’s involvement to most payers. The conditions listed above constitute the medical necessity of anesthesia with the procedure. If you used a screening diagnosis or treatment of commonly found conditions instead of the clinical condition requiring anesthesia, payers will not pay you for these services.

Also note the…

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Unlock Pay With Anesthesia V Code Advice

Don’t be caught asleep: Patient history is one element of proper Dx coding.

Many coders hesitate to report V codes, or simply use them incorrectly, but sometimes this section of ICD-9 most accurately describes the reason for the patient’s condition….

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Anesthesia Coding Education: Combined Spinal Epidural

Question: Our anesthesiologists sometimes mark our C-section tickets as “combined spinal epidural,” but our billing system will only allow us to choose epidural or spinal. Where can I find information about spinal epidurals and how to correctly code them?
Answer: From a coding perspective, whether your physician used spinal or epidural anesthesia doesn’t matter as long […]

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