CCI UPDATE 97597-97598: CCI Will Correct Debridement Glitch

Hang on to your claims for these wound care management codes.

As most veteran coders know, you can’t report an add-on code unless you report it along with its “parent code” on the same claim. But an NCCI glitch has made it impossible for you to collect for both the debridement add-on code 97598 and its partner code 97597 — creating denied claims and confusion for practices that perform active wound care management. However, a new announcement indicating that the NCCI is fixing the problem should ease your coding angst.

The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) issued a release on its Web site stating that the National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits currently bundle the following two codes together:

97597 — Debridement (eg, high pressure waterjet with/without suction, sharp selective debridement with scissors, scalpel and forceps), open wound, (eg, fibrin, devitalized epidermis and/or dermis, exudate, debris, biofilm), including topical application(s), wound assessment, use of a whirlpool, when performed and instruction(s) for ongoing care, per session, total wound(s) surface area; first 20 sq cm or less
+97598 — …each additional 20 sq cm, or part thereof (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)

This edit bundle has an indicator of “0,” meaning that no modifier can separate these codes. Fortunately, the APMA caught the error and contacted the NCCI director about it.

“The NCCI is currently working on a solution and recommends that APMA members delay submission of claims reporting combination of CPT 97597 and CPT 97598 until the NCCI replacement file is in place and implemented by CMS,” the APMA’s statement says. “The April 1, 2011 version of NCCI does not contain this edit error.”

The APMA has not yet gotten word on whether Medicare contractors will automatically reprocess claims that were paid in error…

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Check CCI Edits For New Vaccine Administration Codes

Many of the new code pair additions involve CPT codes that debuted on Jan. 1, with CCI now halting payment if you report certain procedures together.

For instance, you’ll find vaccine administration codes 90471 (Immunization administration [includes percutaneous, intradermal, subcutaneous, or intramuscular injections]; 1 vaccine [single or combination vaccine/toxoid])and 90473 (Immunization administration by intranasal or oral route; 1 vaccine [single or combination vaccine/toxoid]) bundled into new vaccine administration code 90460 (Immunization administration through 18 years of age via any route of administration, with counseling by physician or other qualified health care professional; first vaccine/toxoid component), and no modifier can separate these edits. This edit prevents mixing and matching the new immunization administration codes with the old, established immunization administration codes when delivering multiple vaccines at the same visit.

In addition, CCI bundles the new subsequent observation care codes 99224-99226 into inpatient neonatal and pediatric critical care codes 99468-99476.

CCI Has Good News on the Modifier Front

Not all news coming out of the new edition of CCI is bad. Effective Jan. 1, you’ll be able to use a modifier (such as 59, Distinct procedural service) to separate the edit bundling wound care management codes 97597-97602 into the newly-revised debridement codes 11042-11044. In the past, if your pediatrician performed both procedures on the same date of service, you could not collect for both no matter what, but now you will be able to if your documentation demonstrates the separate and distinct nature of the services and you append the appropriate modifier.

Swapped pairs: In addition, CCI did an about-face on several edits this round. In the past, if you reported 94660 (Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation) or 94662 (Continuous negative pressure ventilation) with an outpatient E/M code (99201-99215), CCI would reimburse you for the pressure ventilation and deny

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Make Sure To Check CCI Before You Use The New 2011 Codes

Capture additional pay by separating wound care management codes 97597-97602 from the newly revised debridement codes.

Every year, just when you’re trying to get used to new CPT codes, the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) comes along and limits how and when you can use the new codes you’ve been given. This year is no exception with CCI 17.0 adding edits involving new Renessa and posterior tibial neurostimulator (PTNS) codes, among others.

The CCI released version 17.0, revealing 19,822 new active pairs and 9,778 code pair deletions, said Frank D. Cohen, MPA, MBB, senior analyst with The Frank Cohen Group, LLC, in a Dec. 14 announcement.

Many of the new code pair additions involve CPT codes that debuted on Jan. 1, 2011 with CCI getting ready to halt payment if you report certain procedures together. Get a grip on the new bundles with this urology-focused rundown.

CPT 2011 deleted Category III code 0193T (Transurethral, radiofrequency microremodeling of the female bladder neck and proximal urethra for stress urinary incontinence), replacing it with a new Category I code 53860 with the same descriptor. CCI targets 53860 with several edits.

When your urologist performs the Renessa procedure, you’ll report 53860, says Michael A. Ferragamo, MD, FACS, clinical assistant professor of urology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

As of Jan. 1, when 53860 became an active code, CCI 17.0 created edit pairs with the following column 2 codes that Medicare considers usual and necessary parts of any surgery:

  • Venipuncture, IV, infusion, or arterial puncture services represented by codes 36000, 36400- 36440, 36600-36640, and 37202
  • Naso- or oro-gastric tube placement (43752)
  • Bladder catheterization (51701-51703).

“In general CPT code 53680 would include catheter placement for temporary postoperative urinary drainage at the conclusion of the procedure, and therefore, these latter…

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Surgical Coders: Don’t Overstate Debridement

Tip: This encounter involves topical applications and patient care instruction in addition to removing devitalized tissue.

Question: When the surgeon performs a wound VAC or cleans a wound by scraping with a sharp curette (not excising tissue), is it appropriate to use a debridement code or should we report an active wound care management code from the range 97597-97606?

Ohio Subscriber

Answer: Physicians typically use the debridement codes (11000-11001, Debridement of extensive eczematous or infected skin; … or 11004-11005, Debridement of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle and fascia for necrotizing soft tissue infection; …) for debridement by any method.


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